For once, the Caughran Family took full advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend. In the past we have napped through the beautiful days, sat in the car driving somewhere, or spent the day shopping. All respectable activities, but none of them truly maximizes a beautiful day/weekend.
Anyone in Houston this past weekend can't argue that this was the best weather weekend of 2010 (Twenty-Ten, not Two-thousand-Ten . . . get it right). I joked that big Houston Companies should plan their recruit's trips to Houston in March, any other month would scare them away. Now if they wanted to be cruel, they would wine and dine them in March and then set their start date in August.
Back to our weekend. On Saturday we got up early and headed to the Livestock Show and Rodeo/Carnival. We walked a good 3-5 miles around the Reliant Complex. BC loved the animals, especially the pigs. He even called one of the spotted ones Tysie (I don't think Tysie would appreciate it since he has lost 13% of his body weight since going on a diet). We also saw some cows, sheep and other livestock.
We then went to my parent's house to visit them and my sister and their kids, including the newest addition Bobbie Bess (3.5 weeks old as of our visit). The kids played outside next to Clear Lake.
Sunday morning started horribly since Day Light Savings time robbed us of an hour of sleep. (This is by far my least favorite day of the year.) Once we shook off the lost sleep, we headed for downtown to participate in the 21st annual AIDS walk. I think everyone had a great time and it was for a good cause. Luckily BC is too young to understand innuendos or else I would have been very upset with one slightly inebriated participant with his comments to a police officer. I think I am slightly scarred from it. We walked over 4 miles. Lisa would have probably complained about the walking, but we walked with my boss's wife, who is 9 months pregnant, and she did not complain once. Although Lisa could play the pregnant card, she was trumped by someone that was more pregnant (not sure if there are levels of pregnancy since it is an all or nothing thing)
Later that evening after BC took his nap, we took him and the dogs for one last walk of the weekend. Although Tysie has lost a good amount of weight, the Vet says he needs to lose more via exercise (walking). BTW, Tyson has been recovering very well, and the vet said that his level of recovery without surgical intervention was 1/1 million (One caveat is that they told us that he had a 40-60% chance of recovery with rest versus 80% chance with surgery last I checked, 40% is about the same as 1/1 million).
So as a recap, we walked a good 8-10 miles this weekend.