Thursday, March 24, 2011


So today was the big day that Nolan got to go get his first MRI (7 months old). MRI's are nothing to the Caughran Family. Daddy Colin has had his head MRI'd twice and Little Colin had two before his back surgery (at 3 months and 11 months). I don't think Lisa has had one, but she did have a CAT Scan a few weeks back (that would be a good post . . . stay tuned)

But this is Nolan's first (and hopefully last) MRI. It is a little more scary for little kids since they have to put them to sleep and there are always risks with that. Nolan has a tiny fat pad bump on the side of his head that looks/looked like a mosquito bite. They wanted to MRI it to confirm that it was nothing to be worried about. Good news is that the doc called within hours and said it is nothing!

Here is a pic of Nolan before they sedated him.

Lisa always hates it when her kiddos need to get an IV because they always have a hard time getting it in correctly. This time was no different. Luckily Lisa didn't slug the nurse.

Daddy Colin got to sleep in this morning for the first time in forever because he got to play mister mom and take care of little Colin before taking him to school.

1 comment:

  1. so glad it was nothing!!! He is sooo cute in that hospital gown. I'm sad he had to get the IV. :( But, glad it's over now!!
