Thursday, February 26, 2009

Da Boot

I learned something about the parking lot that I park in for work. It may be cheap ($3.50/day) but the attendants are very disciplined and follow to the letter their sign of rules. I didn't realize that when the sign says that you have to pay an extra $5 to stay in the lot after six (even though most of the downtown streets are free after six) that they will put a boot on your car at six. So two days ago I had to work late on our group's sale to Macquarie and I didn't get to go to my car until 7 to pay to stay late. I found that they had booted the Altima (Lisa's car). It crossed my mind to take the bus home and tell Lisa that she needed to figure out how to get her car back, but I thought better of it. I had to pay $113 as a "boot removal fee" to get the boot removed. So now my plan to park in the cheap lot, which saves me $50/month over the parking garage now turns out to be much more expensive.

So to sum it up, I had to pay an extra Benjamin to work late. I must not understand the concept of making money. . .

Monday, February 16, 2009

New Pics of BC

I Just wanted to post some new pics of BC.. Here ya go!

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Drinking Coffee on the Weekends

I think I need to start drinking caffeine on the weekends. Sunday afternoon around 4, I got in the car to go to the gym. I was a little groggy from my afternoon nap, and I backed up. You might ask what is the big deal with that, well I forgot to open the garage on my side and it effed up the door. Luckily the neighbor was weed eating and didn't hear it. I was able to fix it mostly by pushing it back into place. Lisa heard it and came to see what the commotion was about and proceeded to give me a hard time and state "I am glad I (Lisa) didn't do that" since she knows I would have been very angry and not as understanding as her. Well I have decided that if I drank coffee on the weekends I would not have smashed my garage door. Sorry no pictures of the damage, you can't photograph my wrecked pride.

Friday, February 13, 2009

No unemployment line for me (for now)

I don't think anyone reads this, but I have a new update that isn't about the boy or about me farting on the dogs.

Last weekend (Superbowl Weekend) I worked through the Superbowl and all night Monday night to help our downstream gas trading group get sold to Macquarie Group. The PSA was signed on the 6th (news)

So after we were sold then it was time to find out if we had jobs or if we were done. Well I got my offer from Macquarie today so I wont be going to the unemployment line anytime soon. It has been a stressful few months since Hurricane Ike and our group going up for sale, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train.

I have been hired twice now by American companies only to be acquired by foreign companies within my first year. Luckily both of the foreign companies were from English speaking countries (Canada, Australia).

Well hope all my followers (me) enjoy the post.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Guest Post

Lisa created this blog and she has not kept up with it. Fortunately for me, I know her password and made myself a guest author. I doubt she will notice anytime soon.

I am not witty or creative, so I will just get to the facts.

Baby Colin is now crawling (all over the place). He is also starting to pull himself up on things (to his knees). We have started to baby proof the house so that his new found mobility does not lead to unnecessary crying. We have video, but I need to digitize it before we can post it, so don't hold your breath.

I also agree with Lisa that Teething is terrible. The boy can be happy, rested, well fed, and safe, but then all of a sudden start crying inconsolably. I suggested Jack Daniels as a solution, but Lisa shot that down. So I took solution number 2, go to the gym.

Finally the boy can get to a seated position on his own. We were excited at first. Now we are finding that it is annoying. We put him to bed and then check on him later and he is just sitting there quietly in the dark not sleeping. Before he would just stay on his back and go to bed.


P.S. BC is up to 3 Situps a day and 2 push-ups. He is going to be ripped soon. He goes to the Gym(boree) weekly.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Teething blows!!

That's all I have to say about that!!